Huwebes, Pebrero 5, 2015

Less Problems For Us Field Workers


As a plumber working on the field, I can say there are many hurdles involved in this line of work. In my experience as a field plumber, the very first difficulty we often face is finding the right direction or address of our next client. We often find ourselves late and having to apologize to our clients because we were late for we were unable to find the address right away. Another problem is finding the best route. Problems would also arise when we cannot find the best route and we end up behind traffic. Worst problem would be problems with schedules and appointments. Technically, it is not our fault it is us field workers who take the brunt of our angry customer’s remarks.

Fortunately, things became a lot easier for us after our employer started bringing something new to the company. This something new is a tool that made things a lot easier for us dispatch plumbers. This tool is named Smart Service. But since I work on the field, there’s a only a few things I know about it. Luckily, I got this link: service scheduling software. It helped me understand more about this tool.

Thanks to this tool, we had no problems locating the address of our client. It finds the best route and points us the right direction to take. Because of this, we can save our face and avoid getting lost and tardiness. And since these consequences are avoided, we are able to deliver a good service to our clients and rake in good rewards.

Best thing about having this tool is that there are no more mixed up appointments. I’m not sure how this worked but it seemed like the tool made it easier for the folks at the office to organize, arrange, schedule and reschedule appointments. This tool really brought a positive change to our company. No more worries about the usual problems we face and it greatly improved the image and the sales of our company. Truly, this is a blessing to us.

My Cute Buddy

my superb dog

Hi guys, that is my pet. Isn't he cool?

Biyernes, Enero 30, 2015

I'm feeling a bit afraid bout bloggin

Gday peeps! This is a fun blog; I am basically a simple person. If it is your first time in my website, I would really wish to welcome you.

It is a fact I really enjoy many different varieties of ventures, particularly skateboarding. lol, I know that is not what you envisioned reading on my very first article but I think you will realize I'm not really restricted by only one activity. I want to to really have a fun life!

BTW one more idea. I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work .- Thomas Edison